Atom by Atom
Our research efforts are focused in understanding and controlling the properties of nanoscale systems at an atomic level, with the help of scanning tunnelling microscopy as key experimental tool.
At present, we are particularly interested in exploring and manipulating graphene properties with atomic precision. We have reached a very high level of understanding of the inherent properties of graphene and we are now adding and taking advantage some of the few properties not naturally found in this purely 2D material, such as magnetic moments, gaps in the band structure or superconducting properties. We also interested in probing the topological electronic properties of graphene samples, which we have shown can be directly accessed by visualizing the quasiparticle interference patterns.
In addition, our group is deeply engaged in instrumental development, in particular, in the design, construction and electronic control of novel scanning probe instrumentation.

First observation of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in graphene
We have shown that both superconductivity and magnetism can be simultaneously induced in graphene, generating exotic Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states. Those states provide a starting point to ultimately create graphene topological qubits, putting forward graphene as a potential platform for topological quantum computing. More…

Creating Graphene Quantum dots with STM
We have developed new method that enables to build graphene nanostructures, with arbitrary shapes and dimensions, in the scale of 2 to 1000 nm. Our STM experiments demonstrate that such graphene nanostructures confine very efficiently graphene Dirac quasiparticles, enabling the selective opening of electronic band gaps. More…

Wavefront dislocations allow measuring graphene’s Berry phase
We have demonstrated that the Berry phase of graphene can be directly measured with STM in absence of any external magnetic field. We observe edge dislocations in the Friedel oscillations formed at hydrogen atoms chemisorbed on graphene. More…

Hydrogen atoms induce magnetic moments on graphene
Our work visualizes how the absorption of single H atoms on graphene magnetizes the graphene regions around them. The induced graphene magnetic moments extend over several nanometers and present an atomically modulated spin texture. The induced magnetic moments couple at very long distances. The controlled manipulation of single H atoms, enable us to selectively tune the collective magnetic properties of chosen graphene regions. More…

II International conference on Novel 2D materials explored via scanning probe microscopy & spectroscopy
June 20-24, 2022 San Sebastián, Spain
We hope to see you there! Miguel Moreno & Iván Brihuega More…